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Integrating Opsview with ELK Log Monitoring

This is a brief blog post to explain how I quickly integrated my existing Opsview server, with my existing ELK deployment. I basically wanted a way that within Opsview, i can see that a host has failed or is having problems and go “Hmm, lets have a look at the logs to see whats happening” without:

A) Having to SSH to the box and start tailing or

B) Have to fire up ELK and start filtering.

Collaboration and innovation in 2014

As those of you who know me personally can attest, i’m never particularly enamoured with the phrase – “Thats just what we’ve always used”, or “Thats just how its been since i started”. Im a firm advocate of the Winston Churchill quote “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” and yet I feel that a lot of companies fail to do this.

A lot of us in IT like to reminisce about “Oh wow, 2.5″ floppy drives – I bet you dont even know why there isnt a B drive in Windows do you?” (Or worse still with the older generation – “Oh VAX was the best..”), instead of looking at the drawbacks which led to the eventual demise of these technologies. I feel the same can be said for email; its so engrained in corporate culture that no one has actually thought to product analyze email itself – in terms of: