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Nagios set-up guide #1 –

Nagios set-up guide #2 –

Using NRPE – Nagios Remote Plugin Executor, as the name suggests, allows us to remote execute plugins to retrieve data which will be of some use to us in a monitoring capacity.

Normal check_nt! style Nagios commands work well but are pretty primitive. NRPE provides you with the framework to do much much more with your newly created monitoring solution, such as monitoring Microsoft Exchange functions, check the status and completion state of Veritas and Symantec BackupExec products, and lots of other neat little features.

There is very little point me re-iterating how to install NRPE, as i will be only spoon feeding you information from this fantastic guide which i learned from – written by Jonathan Lydard and Tony Reix of :

The basic gist of the guide, is to download the NRPE files from and do a “tar -zxvf nagiosfilename.tar.gz”.

Then “cd nagios…”. Once inside the nagios directory, do a “./configure”, followed by a “make && make install” command.

Next, run “cp src/nrpe /usr/bin”, “cp src/check_nrpe /usr/local/nagios/libexec” and “cp sample-config/nrpe.cfg /etc”. This copies all the relevant files into directories which will allow it to play nice and integrate with the original Nagios install. Finally, you will need to start the NRPE service as a daemon by running the following command “nrpe -c /etc/nrpe.cfg -d”.

Finally, open up “/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/commands.cfg” and add the line:

# ’check_nrpe’ command definition define command{
command_name check_nrpe
command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -c $ARG1$

This is all you need to do on your server to enable NRPE. Easy eh, and people say Linux is hard (sarcasm). If you have any dependencies make sure you read the error and either google it (people will have the same issue as you), or try “yum install missing-package” or “apt-get install missing-package” for RHEL/CentOS and Ubuntu respectively, where missing-package is the package in the error message – i.e. gcc.

Now, you will need to configure the remote server to listen for NRPE and to respond to it correctly. Firstly, check and make sure that TCP 5666/5667 on the external IP address is being forwarded to the LAN IP of your remote host i.e. your server. This is the port NRPE listens on by default (Nagios listens on 12489 by default). Once we have ensured connectivity, you will need to open up your NSC.ini file (C:/Program Files/NSClient++). Towards the bottom of the file you will see the following lines:

[NRPE Handlers]
;# Command definitions that this daemon will run.
;# Can be either NRPE syntax:
command[check_users]=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_users -w 5 -c 10
;# Or simplified syntax:
test=c:\test.bat foo $ARG1$ bar
;check_disk1=/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_disk -w 5 -c 10
check_cpu=inject checkCPU warn=80 crit=90 5 10 15
nrpe_cpu=inject checkCPU warn=80 crit=90 5 10 15

These are the commands that Nagios via NRPE will be running, and the commands we will be specifying in our objects file. In order for the command to be retrievable, you need to uncomment it by deleting the “;” infront of it. Save the file and restart the “NSClient++” service via Services.msc (Start -> Run ->..).

On the Linux machine, you can now check NRPE connectivity to your host by running the commands:

cd /usr/local/nagios/libexec
./check_nrpe -H host.ip.add.ress -p 5666

You need to [c]hange [d]irectory libexec as thats where the check_nrpe executable is (so to speak). The check_nrpe then checks the external ip on port 5666 for NRPE feedback. You can check commands by doing:

./check_nrpe -H host.ip.add.ress -p 5666 -c nrpe_cpu

Which if working will return something like so:

OK CPU Load ok.|'5'=0%;80;90; '10'=0%;80;90; '15'=0%;80;90;

You can now add this NRPE connectivity into your monitoring of the server. If you navigate to “/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/theserver.cfg” (where theserver is name of server), and add a new service to monitor a newly created NRPE command (in our example nrpe_cpu). You need to format it like so:

define service{
 use                     generic-service
 host_name               External Server on Site 1
 service_description     CPU Performance via NRPE
 check_command           check_nrpe!nrpe_cpu

NOTE: The check_command is a pitfall for many. You need to specify it with “check_nrpe![command_specified_on_remote_server]”. Only an exclamation mark, nothing else. Once you have reloaded Nagios, the NRPE CPU will now be added to the list of items monitored on your server.

You can take this one step further, and monitor lots of other cool things. In this blog, I will talk about how I have setup Nagios to monitor Symantec and Veritas BackupExec scheduled backups.

Monitoring Symantec and Veritas BackupExec (V10 and V12) Backups with Nagios and NRPE

First of all, you need to navigate to the page on the server where BackupExec is installed. You need to download the check_be.exe program and save it on C:/ root drive, i.e. the full path of check_be will be C:/check_be.exe (this is for simplicity). Secondly, you now need to go back into NSC.ini and where above we uncommented the default commands, add the command:

check_be=check_be.exe "C:\Program Files\Veritas\Backup Exec\Data" "Job Name" -w1 -c3

In this example we are using Veritas BackupExec, with a scheduled backup with a job name of “Job Name”. It is IMPERATIVE that this is correct, along with the C:/Progr… location. The location you need to put in here is the “..\Data\” folder within Symantec/Veritas\Backup Exec where all the .xml files are stored. Save the file, and restart the NSClient++ service via services.msc.

Now, on the “/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/theserver.cfg” file (where theserver is your monitored server), we need to specify how we are going to monitor. We do this by the following entry:

define service{
host_name Server 1 on External Site
use generic-service
service_description BackupExec Job Check
check_command check_nrpe!check_be
normal_check_interval 60
retry_check_interval 30
register 0

This service will go off and check your backup status, and will return a warning for a failed backup or a green light for a successful backup. Save your .cfg and reload Nagios and go to your web interface to see your hard work in action. Next up I will go through advanced monitoring of Exchange 2003/2007 and mail servers in general.
