Hello all!

This is a brief blog post to explain how I quickly integrated my existing Opsview server, with my existing ELK deployment. I basically wanted a way that within Opsview, i can see that a host has failed or is having problems and go “Hmm, lets have a look at the logs to see whats happening” without:

A) Having to SSH to the box and start tailing or

B) Have to fire up ELK and start filtering.

To step back just a moment, what is ELK? ELK stands for ElasticSearch / Logstash / Kibana, and essentially it uses ElasticSearch/Logstash to collect and handle the log data, and Kibana as the graphical front end through which users can create their own filters, graphs, etc.

So, onto the integration. My current setup is as follows:

  • Opsview is monitoring all of my servers, network devices, virtual machines (KVM) and so forth – for items such as load average, memory usage, LVM capacity, temperatures, processes/services running, response times and so forth.
  • ELK is collecting logs from all of the aforementioned devices.

What I wanted to be able to do off-the-bat with ELK was use URL-based syntax to filter the ELK view, however this isnt immediately possible out of the box it appears, so you will have to make slight modifications to the .json file (default.json or whatever your ELK view is saved as). Open up your json view (i.e. /var/www/kibana3/app/dashboards/default.json) and edit the top part to look similar to the following:

  "title": "ELK: Opsview host filtered",
  "services": {
    "query": {
      "list": {
        "0": {
          "query": "{{ARGS.query || '*'}}" ,
          "alias": "",
          "color": "#7EB26D",
          "id": 0,
          "pin": false,
          "type": "lucene",
          "enable": true
      "ids": [
    "filter": {
      "list": {
        "0": {
          "type": "time",
          "field": "@timestamp",
          "from": "now-2d",
          "to": "now",
          "mandate": "must",
          "active": true,
          "alias": "",
          "id": 0

Essentially what we are doing, is allowing URL-based querying by parsing through the ‘?q=MYFILTER’ variable straight to the query box, which wasnt available by default. This allows us to open http://my-elk-server/default.json?q=opsview and ELK will be opened with a filter of ‘opsview’ by default. Neat huh!

So, now that is working – test it out as above, you should get something similar to the following:



Screen Shot 2014-11-25 at 10.52.55


If not then filtering we created/edited above isnt working. If it is working, then great – proceed to the next section!

Setting up in Opsview

In Opsview we are going to use the in-built ‘Management URLs’ functionality (docs here), which allows users to create a host template i.e. ‘My Linux Template’ and create a management URL of ‘ssh://$HOSTADDRESS$:22’ for example. This allows the user to dive straight into an SSH shell on that box from within the Opsview UI, when that template is applied to a host. Cool huh? You can use this for anything, wiki’s, confluence, service desks, you name it – i.e. create a ‘Wiki’ host template of ‘http://wiki.internal.com/?query=$HOSTADDRESS$’ – when this is applied to a series of hosts, you will be able to load the wiki and search it for the name of the server you are looking at, from one menu option.

For our purposes, we are planning on creating an ‘ELK’ host template, whom we will apply to all of the host’s whose logs we collecting with ELK.

Step 1: Create the host template

Fairly simply, go to ‘Settings > Host Templates > Add new’, and populate it with a name and description as below:

Screen Shot 2014-11-25 at 09.50.22

Step 2: Create the management URL

After clicking ‘Submit changes’, you will now be able to click on the previously-greyed-out ‘Management URLs’ button. In here we will need to create our ELK link, as below:

Screen Shot 2014-11-25 at 09.50.55


For reference, the syntax is ‘http://elk-log-server/index.html#/dashboard/file/default.json?query=$HOSTADDRESS$’. The important part here is $HOSTADDRESS$ – this variable or macro will be substituted out for the address of the host, i.e. if this template is applied to ‘exchange-server-1.microsoft.com’, when the management URL is clicked on that host the full URL will be http://elk-log-server/index.html#/dashboard/file/default.json?query=exchange-server-1.microsoft.com.

Step 3: Apply the template to the hosts

Next, we will need to apply the template to the hosts whose logs we want to monitor. You can do this via ‘Host template’ tab using the hosts section, but because Im lazy I did it via the host itself (Settings > Hosts > and then clicked on my host in question), as below:

Screen Shot 2014-11-25 at 09.51.23

..and thats it, the template is applied.

Step 4: View the logs

After a quick reload, go to your Opsview monitoring screens and click on the contextual menu and you will now see an extra option there – ELK:

Screen Shot 2014-11-25 at 10.00.00

And thats pretty much it! Now, all you need to do is apply the ‘ELK’ host template to the hosts whose logs you are monitoring and this option will appear ^^. That way in the future, you can see ‘oo we have a host failure’ and dive straight into the logs at the click of a button, as below:

Screen Shot 2014-11-25 at 10.52.55