Below are the benchmarks which I developed during my testing stage for virtualization. It is a fairly rudimentary script, it copies files from a mounted folder (W:/) to a local disk C:/ and vice versa. It copies the files to a location and then output times at start and at stop, once it has finished it also removes the copied files and then restarts again. It will do this 15 times, this was to give me a greater set of figures for a better average etc. Below is the download script:

Download Script:

for ($i = 0; $i < 15; $i++)
system(‘cd C:/’);
system(‘md Test’);
print “—————————————– \n”;
print “File Server Benchmark: Windows – Sam Marsh \n”;
print “—————————————– \n”;
system(‘echo Time Began: >> timesfile.txt’);
system(‘echo %time% >> timesfile.txt’);
system(‘copy W:\ C:\Test’);
print “=============================== 100% Downloaded”;
print “\n”;
system(‘echo Time Ended: >> timesfile.txt’);
system(‘echo %time% >> timesfile.txt’);
system(‘rd /s/q C:\Test’);

Upload Script:

for ($i = 0; $i < 15; $i++)
print “—————————————– \n”;
print “File Server Benchmark: Windows – Sam Marsh \n”;
print “—————————————– \n”;
system(‘echo Time Began: >> timesfile.txt’);
system(‘echo %time% >> timesfile.txt’);
system(‘copy C:\Test\* W:\ ‘);
print “—File Uploaded—“;
print “\n”;
system(‘echo Time Ended: >> timesfile.txt’);
system(‘echo %time% >> timesfile.txt’);
system(‘rd /s /q W:\Test’);